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Wed Jun 19 by subadmin 0 comments

5 Top techniques to boost memory and improve cognitive performance

Did you know that 25% of adults over the age of 50 are affected by memory loss? (Source: National Institute of Aging). From these shocking statistics you might have understood how important memory and cognitive performance are in your day to day lives. Memory and cognitive performance are the reason for your ability to remember, process and apply information for your own survival and success. These functions are also the main cause of your learning, decision-making, problem-solving and interpersonal skills. And, when you become older your cognitive abilities naturally decline but it does not mean that you cannot take certain steps to maintain or improve them.

It all can be done by using the concept of memory-boosting techniques. You can use these strategies and practices to enhance your memory and cognitive performance. All of these techniques include lifestyle changes such as healthy diet and regular exercise to certain mental exercises like puzzles and memory games. And, in the following section we will talk about all these techniques in detail.


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5 Top techniques to boost your memory and improve cognitive performance

Given below we have talked about 5 practical tips which you can follow to boost your memory and cognitive performance:

  1. Doing Regular Exercise

Doing regular physical activity is great when it comes to enhancing your memory and cognition because it is known for increasing your heart rate which pumps a lot of oxygen to your brain and helps release the hormones which give a good space to your brain cells to grow. Exercise also has a lot of benefits such as it promotes brain plasticity by stimulating the growth of new connections between cells in a wide array of important cortical areas of the brain. One research from the Harvard Medical School also talks about how regular exercises change your brain to improve memory and all thinking skills. 

As exercise is important, you might be thinking how you can add up these physical activities in your routine? Here are some tips that you should follow: 

  • Start with simple physical activities like walking or cycling.
  • You should aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five days a week.
  • If you have less time, then doing 10 minutes of exercise is also effective.
  • You can even add strength training exercises in your routine to boost your brain health.
  1. Having Healthy Diet 

Brain is also known as an energy-intensive organ which uses up to 20% of your body’s calories, that’s why it needs a good amount of fuel to maintain concentration throughout the day. It is always crucial for you to make food choices because the food you eat directly affects how your brain functions. Always try eating food that is rich in antioxidants, good fats, vitamins and minerals because they provide you energy and fight against any brain disease.

Some of the memory-boosting foods that you should add in your diet are:

  • Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and help in delaying your brain aging and improving memory.
  • Turmeric and its active compound curcumin have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits which helps your brain in any possible way.
  • Fruits like oranges are a rich source of Vitamin C and prevent mental aging. 
  1. Taking Sufficient Sleep 

When you sleep, your brain becomes busy processing information from the day and forming memories. If you are sleep deprived you might face some trouble retaining your memories or forming new ones. 

To improve your sleep, you should start maintaining a regular sleep schedule in which you select the same time every day for going to bed and waking up. With this you should also create a calm environment with a cool temperature, quiet and darkness. We also recommend you to limit your screen time before bed as the light emitted from your screens can disturb your sleep. 

  1. Stimulating Your Brain

Mental stimulation activities are popularly known for maintaining your cognitive health and well-being. By engaging your mind on different activities you not only enhance its functionality but also removes any sign regarding mental aging. There are a lot of benefits of keeping your mind active such as it improves memory, increases problem-solving skills, creativity and better mood. To do mental stimulation consider doing activities like crosswords or sudoku, learn a new language, play a musical instrument or engage yourself in thoughtful conversation as they are considered as the best exercises for your brain. These activities not only provide entertainment but also keep your mind sharp and contribute to your mental fitness.

  1. Managing Your Stress

When you manage your stress you see it positively impacting your memory and cognitive performance because stress in your body releases cortisol which is a hormone that interferes with the ability of your brain to encode and retrieve older memories. With time the chronic stress leads to cognitive decline including difficulties in concentration, learning and decision-making. For managing your stress you can do mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing exercises that help calm your mind and reduce stress.


We have done a complete research and after that only we have come up with these five most effective techniques which will boost your memory and cognitive performance. So, what are you waiting for? Add these effective strategies in your routine and see changes happening itself.


Also Read : Does Sudoku Act As A Strong Tool For Focus And Cognitive Enhancement

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