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Proven and Effective Strategies for Treating Narcolepsy Symptoms

What is Narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy is a chronic brain disorder that disturbs the brain from controlling Sleep and wakefulness. Narcolepsy is a situation when the brain’s ability to control or process Sleep is deteriorated or maybe when the brain is lazy. The symptoms of Narcolepsy can include: Intense Sleepiness throughout the day, Restlessness, etc. People suffering from Narcolepsy also get involved with Cataplexy, which is weakening of muscle strength caused by strong feelings. They can also experience Sleep paralysis, a situation where they lose the ability to move or talk for a short period of time when falling asleep or waking up.In addition Narcolepsy can enter in the  beginning, adolescence or early adulthood,and can have dramatic effects on work, education, and social life.

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Narcolepsy is basically a silent backbencher kid who comes to class to Nap, And specially in a history class when nothing seems to get in the head and boom!! Nap time, Narcolepsy affects an individual’s  productivity at max, feeling of sleepiness and Continuous Yawning and you just can’t take it anymore. Sometimes Narcolepsy can be dangerous for individuals who are driving, sleep episodes can instantly distract an individual’s focus from the task and can put them in danger. If sleep is not controlled throughout the day, and you feel sleepy all day, it is difficult to maintain a healthy Night sleeping schedule. And managing daily routine, schedule seem to never match because of this condition. . 


What are the main reasons for Narcolepsy?


  1. Brain Abnormalities: Research and studies show that the reason for Narcolepsy is also abnormalities in the brain. 
  2. Environmental Trigger: There are diseases and infections which also contribute to Narcolepsy such as infections like Flu and Streptococcus have been listed as names which do trigger Narcolepsy. 
  3. Developing Factors: It is evident and researched that Narcolepsy often happens at the starting of Adolescence or Adulthood, and there can be factors related to developing mind or brain of the person. 
  4. Autoimmune Reaction: Narcolepsy has been Associated with Autoimmune reactant where the body of the person, and its own immune system attacks the brain cells that produce neurotransmitters called hypocretin (or orexin), and this helps in regulating or controlling sleep.

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How can we differentiate sleepiness and Narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy: It is a chronic condition where the brain stops regulating and controlling sleepiness and the individual suffering from it always feels sleepy and Randomly goes to sleep without any warning. 

  1. Narcolepsy is different from just feeling sleepiness and tired, it is a condition where sleep is constantly roaming in the mind, focus is interrupted etc. 
  2. Sudden episodes of sleep, or we can say sudden attack of sleep at inappropriate timings.


Sleepiness: Sleepiness is a feeling of tiredness, and it happens due to insufficient sleep, exhaustion of eyes, the water of the eyes are dry, you might feel sleepy because of many reasons, be it long working hours, Increased creen time etc. 

  1. It starts with general drowsiness, and lack of energy and the situation improves when you get proper sleep.
  2. Sleepiness can be improved by Maintaining a healthy 8hr sleep schedule.


Symptoms of Narcolepsy:


  1. Daytime Sleepiness: Constant and excessive feeling of sleepiness throughout the day, drowsiness or sudden urge or force to sleep.
  2. Hallucinations: People suffering from Narcolepsy can get  hallucinations during their sleep, exactly like a dream which looks too real or a ghost dream which is frightening or scary. 
  3. Disturbed Night-Time schedule: Narcolepsy disturbs the whole routine, and if an individual takes a nap in the daytime, it is obvious their night time sleep will be affected. 
  4. Automatic behavior: These people perform several tasks like daily routine tasks, in a drowsy state and they also might not know that they are doing it because of the effects of Narcolepsy. 


How can we treat Narcolepsy?


1.Medications: There are several set of medicines which are specially designed for Narcolepsy Patients for their speedy and positive recovery.

Some medicines are as follows:

  • Stimulants
  • Antidepressants
  • Sodium Oxybate

2.Lifestyle changes: a. Nap schedule: Create a Nap schedule so that you do not oversleep and then disturb your Night time sleep.

3.Healthy Diet: Eat Nutrients, take supplements prescribed by doctors and specialists.

4.Sleep hygiene: It is a necessary step, maintain a Calm and fresh routine for yourself which freshens up your mind.

5.Therapy or Support Groups 

6.Education and understanding: Be aware and study about your medical condition, avoid triggers, and after understanding seek professional help.

7.Checkups and monitoring: Monitor your condition, the severity of your condition and then go for a check-up if you feel your medical situation is worsening.



Narcolepsy is a chronic Brain condition, which not only affects the brain but also the body. With Narcolepsy as your side buddy, it wants to sleep before you do, and it causes Excessive Nap times, Sudden episodes of sleep, it can lead to dangerous outcomes sometime, when you drive specially, Narcolepsy is not just about sleeping more, it is more than that, It includes Various Treatment procedures, Like medicines, Sleep Hygiene, Avoid triggers etc. Understanding Narcolepsy and its medical elements will help you get into treatment easily with the help of doctors and specialists.

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